Week 1 - Library Research
1 Granary Square + 1st lesson

Today is my first day as a university student, and I will be spending my first year here in this building.

Tasks were given in the lesson, we have been put into groups and had to discuss 'why is research important'.

We then had a 'confusing presentation' combining and designing a concept using the information given on one practitionerone, one process and one material.  I call this a confusing presentation is because..we didn't really know what we are doing..We looked at the artist Sarah Sze, process of cut and the material - automobile. Weird combination.

However I had a chance to listen to my classmates and feeling 'everyone has got very good ideas'

Also a big well done to our own group, there are five of us from different countries, Portugal, England, Japan, Korea and China, had fun working with them!  Hopefully next week when we get to research in depth using libraries and galleries, we will improve and proceed.



2014/09/13 SAT Saatchi Gallery

Went to the Saatchi Gallery as a group. The new art from africa and Latin America was on exhibition. I was concentrating on how the artists use Repetation in their pieces to both visually impress the audiance, and to show their concept in a very powerful way.


Casa Tomada - Rafael Gomezbarros

Hundreds of ants take over the gallery, their bodies are composed of cast human skulls. Artist uses the installation to address the plight of millions of displaced immigrants who are constantly crossing the planet in search of asylum, and who are rendered invisible by the media. He is particularly interested in the Colombian causalities that were killed or made homeless over the last fifty years due to the armed conflict tearing through the country.

'unless a country buries its dead, there will always remain ghosts in the attic.'

Abstract America Today
Lugares en Fuga - Fredy Alzate  [Above]

(Fleeing Places) is an unsettling object. At first glance it appears to be a wall that has curled up into a ball; an unexpected metamorphosis that is inappropriate for something made of bricks and mortar, which typically suggest endurance and security.

Untitled - Ibrahim Mahama

Spectacular installation of sewn coal sacks are the result of his investigations into the conditions of supply and demand in African markets. This large draping piece has been produced by carefully arranging sacks, which in their past lives have been imported by the Ghana Cocoa Board and are then reused by charcoal sellers. 

2014/09/15 MON Library Research

Library Research today!! We devided the work between the group, I was in charge of find books around stone.. I found some really interesting books and articles including stone installation arts, properties of stones and also materials that will create the same texture and feeling as stones. we also looked at repetition as a process, and the whole group was moved by the book 'Dear Photograph' and seeing how things change and different by repeating something after a period of time, so we decided to take a group photo and will repeat it when the course ends...